
...thank you mommy! thank you for taking me to Ireland with you, to go to a wedding. 
the wedding was such an incredible experience. and all the sightseeing and 
touristy-things we did after the wedding, i enjoyed just as much. i am so proud of you. 
i know you specialize in the fine arts of reading, writing and sleeping but you took to 
walking the streets, the sights, the beeches and even the mountains of ireland with 
such gusto. even that horrible 9 hour stopover at dubai airport on our way back, 
you took in your stride. you graciously went along to see and do things - like the birds 
and looking at mummified bodies - that weren't of your choosing. 
and we were such a team driving ourselves around! i am so grateful for this shared 
experience we had.
your daughter, anja...

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